انتشارات دانش بنیان قرآنیوم

مرکز مقابله و پاسخ به اهانت‌ها و تحرکات‌ جریان های شیطانی علــیه ساحت مقدس ائمه اطهار ، قرآن کریم ، اعتاب مقدسه و سایر مقدسات اسلامی

دعای هفتم صحیفه سجادیه با دستخط منسوب به امام سجاد علیه السلام

A Norwegian translation of the Quran dubbed “Quranium” has been released online

  • ۹۱۶

Norwegian Translation of Quran Written in Innovative Font Published , A special innovative font, in which all letters of the alphabet have been designed within a written form of the Arabic word for God, has been used in writing the translation.

An Italian translation of the Quran dubbed “Quranium” has been released online

  • ۹۵۶

Italian Translation of Quran Written in Innovative Font Published , A special innovative font, in which all letters of the alphabet have been designed within a written form of the Arabic word for God, has been used in writing the translation.

A Spanish translation of the Quran dubbed “Quranium” has been released online

  • ۱۱۲۶

Spanish Translation of Quran Written in Innovative Font Published , A special innovative font, in which all letters of the alphabet have been designed within a written form of the Arabic word for God, has been used in writing the translation.

An English translation of the Quran dubbed “Quranium” has been released online

  • ۹۰۰

English Translation of Quran Written in Innovative Font Published , A special innovative font, in which all letters of the alphabet have been designed within a written form of the Arabic word for God, has been used in writing the translation.

ویدئوی احیاء دستخط و بازآفرینی قرآنهای منسوب به ائمه اطهار (ع) : برای نمایش روی تصویر کلیک کنید

مطالب پیشنهادی